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The Hidden Dangers of Synthetic Alkaloids in Entheogenic Products


The entheogenic community faces significant threats from synthetic alkaloids marketed under names that mimic natural mushrooms. One alarming case involves Diamond Shruumz, a product allegedly linked to severe health issues, including hospitalizations and seizures. This awareness article aims to raise public awareness about the dangers of these synthetic substances and the importance of rigorous testing to ensure safety.


Synthetic alkaloids, while chemically similar to their natural counterparts, pose unique risks due to their high potency and unregulated nature. These substances are often marketed to evade standard drug detection methods, making them appealing yet dangerous. Recent incidents involving products like Diamond Shruumz underscore the severity of the issue.

The Diamond Shruumz Case

Dr. Jerome Cordova, a physician in Arizona, reported multiple patients experiencing severe symptoms after consuming Diamond Shruumz chocolates, including nausea, vomiting, seizures, and unconsciousness. Some patients required ventilation and ICU care. Dr. Cordova highlighted the lack of safety instructions on the product packaging and urged consumers to avoid these products .

In a press release, Arizona poison centers also issued warnings about Diamond Shruumz, citing similar cases of severe health issues and emphasizing the urgent need for consumer awareness and regulatory action . The FDA has initiated an investigation into the illnesses linked to these microdosing chocolate bars .

The Risk of Synthetic Alkaloids

Synthetic alkaloids like 4-ACO-DET (among others), are often found at very high concentrations (~99% purity), and pose a high risk of overdose, especially when compared to natural alkaloids, which typically have .8% – 2% potency. This increases the likelihood of toxicity due to mismeasured batches. The potency and variability of synthetic alkaloids make them particularly dangerous for unregulated production and consumption.

Industry Practices and Misleading Marketing

Products in the entheogenic market often use names and packaging that suggest natural origins but contain synthetic compounds. These “non-detect” alkaloids are designed to bypass drug tests, making them particularly dangerous as consumers remain unaware of the true nature of these products. Allegations surrounding products like Diamond Shruumz suggest they are marketed as safe, natural alternatives but may contain harmful synthetic ingredients. See: “Non-Detect Magic Mushrooms: A Loophole That Can Land You in Jail for 20 Years.

Ensuring Safety

To address these risks, the Entheology Project is launching a national anonymous testing network this summer. This initiative will provide the public with access to testing kits and professional High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) lab testing, ensuring the safety of entheogenic products. Testing is the only reliable way to verify the contents and potency of these substances.

Tips for Consumers:

  1. Educate Yourself: Understand the differences between natural and synthetic alkaloids.
  2. Use Testing Kits: Test products before use to verify their contents.
  3. Purchase Wisely: Buy from reputable sources that offer transparency and proof of testing.
  4. Report Issues: Report adverse effects to health authorities and organizations like the Entheology Project.


The rise of synthetic alkaloids in entheogenic products poses a grave threat to public health. Through education, rigorous testing, and informed purchasing decisions, consumers can protect themselves from these hidden dangers. The Entheology Project remains committed to promoting safety and awareness within the community.

TikTok Video:


⚠️ WARNING: CONSUMER ALERT ⚠️ The Entheology Project is issuing an urgent warning about Diamond Shruumz mushroom chocolates and gummies. Reports have emerged of severe health issues, including nausea, vomiting, seizures, and unconsciousness, after consuming these products. Some cases have required hospitalization and ICU care. These products, often found in vape shops and gas stations, lack proper safety instructions and may contain dangerous synthetic alkaloids. Key Points: • Severe Health Risks: Multiple cases of severe reactions have been reported, including hospitalization. • Lack of Safety Information: Products lack adequate safety instructions and ingredient transparency. • Synthetic Alkaloids: These products may contain potent synthetic compounds that can be highly dangerous. How to Stay Safe: 1. Avoid Unknown Products: Do not consume products with unclear ingredients or insufficient safety information. 2. Report Adverse Effects: If you experience any adverse reactions, seek medical attention immediately and report the incident to health authorities. 3. Use Testing Kits: Only use entheogenic products that have been tested and verified for safety. The Entheology Project is launching a national anonymous testing network to provide reliable testing kits and lab services. Stay informed and protect your health. Full article: Disclaimer: The information in this warning includes references to a video by Dr. Cordova, a physician in Arizona, discussing the health risks associated with Diamond Shruumz products. The video details patient cases of severe reactions after consuming these products. For full context and more information, please view the original video on TikTok. Watch Dr. Cordova’s original video here: Note: The information presented in Dr. Cordova’s video and this warning is based on current reports and allegations and has not been proven in any court of law.

♬ original sound – entheism – entheism


  1. Dr. Cordova’s original TikTok video transcript detailing patient cases and concerns .
  2. Arizona Poison Centers’ warnings and collaboration with FDA investigations .
  3. The Rise of Synthetic Alkaloids in Unregulated Head Shops
  4. Non-Detect Magic Mushrooms: A Loophole That Can Land You in Jail for 20 Years
  5. 4-ACO Killed the Psilocybe Star: The Economic Divide in Entheogenic Treatment
  6. FDA Investigation of Illnesses: Diamond Shruumz-Brand Microdosing Chocolate Bars (June 2024)
  7. Diamond Shruumz Official Website
  8. Banner Health Press Release on Diamond Shruumz
  9. AZFamily Report on Diamond Shruumz Illnesses
  10. USA Today Article on Diamond Shruumz Illnesses
Small Business Owners: Synthetic “Non-Detect” Magic Mushrooms Can Be A 20 Year Sentence

Many small business owners, especially those running small family businesses, may unknowingly sell hallucinogenic products containing synthetic alkaloids like 4-ACO-DET. These synthetic compounds, marketed as “non-detect” magic mushrooms, exploit the lack of established testing standards and the misconception that decriminalization equates to legality. However, the legal risks are substantial and can result in severe penalties.

The Loophole

Manufacturers infuse synthetic, cheap to produce psilocin analogues like 4-ACO-DET, 4-ACO-MET, and other analogues such as 4-HO-MiPT and 4-HO-DPT. These compounds degrade quickly, making them difficult to detect with current testing methods. This and “de-criminalization” give shop owners a false sense of security about their legality.

Decriminalization typically refers to the removal of criminal penalties for personal possession and use of entheogenic substances. It does not necessarily mean that selling or commercializing these products is allowed. The specific regulations and laws regarding the sale and distribution of entheogenic products vary depending on the jurisdiction. It’s important to consult local laws and regulations to understand the specific rules in a particular area (WPR)​​ (ACS Lab)​​ (Wikipedia)​.

Legal Implications

Under the US Analogues Act, synthetic substances similar to Schedule I or II controlled substances are illegal. This means that distributing or possessing products containing these synthetic alkaloids can result in severe penalties:

For head shop owners, these legal repercussions could mean the loss of their livelihood and severe disruptions to their family lives​ (WPR)​​ (ACS Lab)​​ (Wikipedia)​.

Increasing Detection Standards

As research progresses, the ability to detect these synthetic substances is improving. Laboratories are developing more sophisticated techniques to identify synthetic psilocin analogues, such as 4-ACO-DMT, in various products​ (WPR)​​ (ACS Lab)​. This advancement means that law enforcement agencies are better equipped to identify and prosecute the sale of these substances, making police intervention increasingly likely.

Bay Area Contamination Findings

Recent lab tests on magic mushroom chocolate bars sold in the Bay Area revealed significant contamination issues. Out of 24 bars tested, eight were found to contain 4-AcO-DMT instead of natural psilocybin​ (Internet Archive)​​ (The San Francisco Standard)​. This highlights the risks of consuming unregulated mushroom products, as consumers may unknowingly ingest different substances than intended.

Moral and Ethical Concerns

Selling untested and potentially dangerous products to consumers, including minors, is both unethical and irresponsible. The health risks associated with consuming these unregulated substances are unknown and potentially severe. Proper preparation, facilitation, and integration are essential to ensure safe consumption of entheogenic substances​ (ACS Lab)​​ (Zamnesia)​​ (Fungi Academy)​.

Protecting Your Business

To avoid legal and ethical pitfalls:

  1. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about the latest regulations and guidelines regarding psychoactive substances.
  2. Promote Safety: Inform customers about the potential risks of consuming untested products and the importance of responsible use.
  3. Go Organic: Properly prepared and facilitated organic sources are less likely to pose health risks compared to synthetic alternatives​ (ACS Lab)​.

By taking these steps, small business owners can minimize the risks associated with selling “non-detect” magic mushroom products and protect their businesses from legal trouble.

For more detailed information, visit and SFGate.

Exploring Ceremonial Cacao: The Myths and Realities of Bean Types and Theobromine Effects


Ceremonial cacao is experiencing a surge in popularity as a spiritual and healing plant medicine. Despite its growing use, misconceptions about ceremonial cacao, its origins, the types of beans used, and the effects of its compounds, particularly theobromine, persist. This paper aims to clarify these points, focusing on the production of theobromine in fermented vs. unfermented cacao beans, and discussing the varying levels of theobromine in each type.

Cacao Beans and Ceremonial Cacao:

Cacao beans, seeds of the Theobroma cacao tree, are indigenous to Central and South America. They are the fundamental ingredient in both chocolate and ceremonial cacao, the latter being cultivated, harvested, and processed with specific intentions for use in spiritual or ceremonial contexts.

Fermented vs Unfermented Cacao Beans:

Fermentation is a pivotal step in chocolate production that also impacts the composition of theobromine in cacao beans.

Additionally, a process known as “cacao lavado” involves washing fermented beans to remove any remaining pulp, potentially leading to a cleaner, milder flavor. While this method is often employed in specialty cacao production, its influence on theobromine content remains understudied.

Potential Benefits of Unfermented Cacao:

However, these claims are primarily anecdotal, and scientific research in this area is limited.

Theobromine and Caffeine in Cacao Beans:

Differences in Theobromine Levels:

Theobromine levels in cacao beans are influenced by the bean variety, growing conditions, fermentation, and processing. While both fermented and unfermented beans contain theobromine, the levels may vary.


For those intrigued by ceremonial cacao, understanding the production of theobromine in different cacao bean types is essential. Fermentation significantly influences flavor development and the composition of bioactive compounds, including theobromine. Further research is needed to explore the specific effects of theobromine and caffeine in ceremonial cacao and their contributions to the overall experience.


  1. Efraim P, et al. Influence of cocoa beans fermentation and drying on the polyphenol content and sensory acceptance. Ciência e Tecnologia em Alimentos. 2010.
  2. Hernandez CH, et al. Evaluation of different fermentation processes for use by small cocoa growers in Mexico. Food Sci Nutr. 2016.
  3. Smit, H. J., & Blackburn, R. J. Reinforcing effects of caffeine and theobromine as found in chocolate. Psychopharmacology, 2005.
  4. Bogaard, B. V. D., et al. Effects of peripheral and central blood pressure of cocoa with natural or high-dose theobromine: a randomized, double-blind crossover trial. Hypertension, 2010.
  5. Kelly, C. J. Effects of theobromine should be considered in future studies. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2015.
  6. Usmani, O. S., et al. Theobromine inhibits sensory nerve activation and cough. The FASEB Journal.
  7. Grases, F., et al. Theobromine inhibits uric acid crystallization. Potential application in the treatment of uric acid nephrolithiasis. PLoS One, 2014.
Exploring the Potential Benefits and Ensuring Safe Consumption of Amanita Muscaria

I. Introduction:

Amanita Muscaria, commonly known as fly agaric, is a psychoactive mushroom revered in various cultures for spiritual and healing purposes. This article aims to explore the potential therapeutic benefits of its primary psychoactive constituent, Muscimol, while emphasizing the importance of safety in its use.

II. Chemical Composition of Amanita Muscaria:

Amanita Muscaria contains two key psychoactive compounds: ibotenic acid and muscimol. The decarboxylation process, typically induced by drying, converts ibotenic acid into muscimol, responsible for the mushroom’s psychoactive effects.

III. Potential Benefits of Amanita Muscaria (Muscimol):

  1. Anxiolytic Effects: Research in “Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior” (2013) showed that muscimol reduced anxiety-like behavior in rats, highlighting its potential anxiolytic properties.
  2. Similarities to Ethanol Effects: A 2004 study in “European Journal of Pharmacology” found muscimol produced effects similar to ethanol, such as sedation, hypothermia, and motor impairment, indicating its role in understanding alcohol-like effects on GABAA receptors.
  3. Neuroprotective Properties: Emerging research suggests muscimol might offer neuroprotective benefits, possibly aiding in managing neurodegenerative diseases.
  4. Treatment of Cerebral Ischemia: Studies indicate muscimol’s potential role in treating cerebral ischemia due to its protective properties.
  5. Mental Health Applications: Anecdotal evidence points to introspective and insightful experiences, though scientific validation is pending.

IV. Safety Issues and Precautions:

  1. Toxicity Concerns: Presence of ibotenic acid raises toxicity concerns; high doses can lead to poisoning.
  2. Decarboxylation Process: Transforming ibotenic acid into less toxic muscimol is essential, usually achieved through drying.
  3. Preparation and Extraction: Correct preparation and extraction are crucial for safe consumption.
  4. Dosage and Setting: Advisable to start with a low dose and increase gradually; setting and having a trusted sitter are crucial for safety.
  5. Legal Considerations: Varying legal status necessitates understanding local laws.

V. Conclusion:

Amanita Muscaria, particularly its muscimol content, presents intriguing potential benefits, especially in neuroprotection and treating cerebral ischemia. However, these benefits are accompanied by potential toxicity risks, necessitating careful preparation and consumption. Adherence to safety guidelines, legal considerations, and expert advice is essential for anyone exploring the properties of Amanita Muscaria.


  1. “Effects of muscimol, a GABAA receptor agonist, on anxiety-like behavior in rats” (Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2013).
  2. “Muscimol, a psychoactive agent of Amanita muscaria, mimics the neurochemical and behavioral effects of acute ethanol ingestion” (European Journal of Pharmacology, 2004).
  3. “The pharmacology of Amanita muscaria” (Ethnopharmacologic Search for Psychoactive Drugs, 1979).
  4. Voynova, M., et al. (2020). Toxicological and pharmacological profile of Amanita muscaria (L.) Lam. Pharmacia.
  5. Tatsuta, M., et al. (1992). Protection by muscimol against gastric carcinogenesis. International Journal of Cancer.
  6. Wang, S., et al. (2017). Protective roles of hepatic GABA signaling in acute liver injury of rats. American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology.
  7. Waser, P. (1979). In Ethnopharmacologic Search for Psychoactive Drugs.
Magic Mushrooms Safety: A Guide to Responsible Use and Populations at Risk


This article aims to raise awareness about the safe and responsible use of magic mushrooms, known scientifically as Psilocybe species. While research has shown potential therapeutic benefits for conditions like depression, anxiety, and PTSD, it’s crucial to be aware of the risks involved. Key points include the danger of misidentifying mushroom species, the importance of the psychological and environmental context (“set and setting”), and the need for caution among those with pre-existing mental health conditions. Additionally, the article discusses the legal ramifications of mushroom use and the risks of combining them with other substances.

“Magic mushrooms,” scientifically known as Psilocybe species, have been a part of traditional healing and spiritual practices for centuries. Recent research has pointed to their potential for treating a range of medical conditions, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, addiction, cluster headaches, and anorexia nervosa 1. However, while these mushrooms are not toxic in the traditional sense, misuse can lead to several types of harm. This blog aims to create awareness about the safety precautions one should take while considering the use of magic mushrooms.

The Risks of Misidentification

One of the primary risks associated with magic mushrooms is the danger of consuming the wrong species. Certain mushrooms are highly toxic and can lead to severe illness or even death if ingested 2. Always consult experts and ensure proper identification before consuming any wild mushrooms.

The Importance of “Set and Setting”

The “set and setting” — that is, your mindset and environment — play a vital role in shaping your experience with magic mushrooms. Being in a supportive, safe, and familiar environment can greatly enhance the experience. On the other hand, using mushrooms in a chaotic or stressful setting can lead to paranoia, anxiety, and risky behavior3.

Pre-existing Mental Health Conditions

Individuals with pre-existing mental health conditions, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, should exercise extreme caution. Consuming psilocybin mushrooms can exacerbate symptoms and worsen the condition 4.

Psychological Preparedness

Magic mushrooms induce significant alterations in perception, mood, and thought. If you are not mentally prepared for these intense experiences, you could find them distressing or even traumatic 5.

Risk of Accidents

The altered state of consciousness created by psilocybin mushrooms significantly increases the risk of accidents and injuries. This risk is heightened if you attempt to drive or operate machinery while under the influence 6.

Legal Ramifications

It’s essential to note that in many places, psilocybin mushrooms are classified as a controlled substance. Possession, cultivation, or distribution could lead to severe legal consequences 7.

Combining with Other Substances

Mixing psilocybin mushrooms with other substances like alcohol or prescription medications can lead to unpredictable and potentially harmful effects 8.


Magic mushrooms have potential therapeutic benefits but should be used responsibly and cautiously. Always do your research, consult healthcare providers when appropriate, and be aware of your mental and physical state before embarking on this journey. Special caution should be exercised by individuals with pre-existing mental health conditions, those in stressful environments, or those considering combining mushrooms with other substances.


  1. Carhart-Harris, R. L., & Goodwin, G. M. (2017). The therapeutic potential of psychedelic drugs: past, present, and future. Neuropsychopharmacology, 42(11), 2105-2113.
  2. Benjamin, D. R. (1995). Mushrooms: poisons and panaceas—a handbook for naturalists, mycologists, and physicians. WH Freeman and Company.
  3. Hartogsohn, I. (2016). Set and setting, psychedelics and the placebo response: An extra-pharmacological perspective on psychopharmacology. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 30(12), 1259-1267.
  4. Carbonaro, T. M., & Gatch, M. B. (2016). Neuropharmacology of N, N-dimethyltryptamine. Brain research bulletin, 126, 74-88.
  5. Carhart-Harris, R. L., & Nutt, D. J. (2010). User perceptions of the benefits and harms of hallucinogenic drug use: a web-based questionnaire study. Journal of Substance Use, 15(4), 283-300.
  6. Hallock, R. M., Dean, A., Knecht, Z. A., Spencer, J., & Taverna, E. C. (2013). A survey of hallucinogenic mushroom use, factors related to usage, and perceptions of use among college students. Drug and alcohol dependence, 130(1-3), 245-248.
  7. Nutt, D., King, L. A., & Nichols, D. E. (2013). Effects of Schedule I drug laws on neuroscience research and treatment innovation. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 14(8), 577-585.
  8. Johnson, M. W., Richards, W. A., & Griffiths, R. R. (2008). Human hallucinogen research: guidelines for safety. Journal of psychopharmacology, 22(6), 603-620.
Understanding the Limitations of Fentanyl Test Strips: Promoting Awareness and Solutions

The rise of the fentanyl crisis has brought forth the urgent need for harm reduction strategies to address the adulteration of street drugs. Fentanyl test strips have emerged as a potential tool for detecting the presence of fentanyl and its analogues in recreational substances. However, it is crucial to be aware of the limitations and inconsistencies associated with these test strips to ensure their effective use. This article aims to shed light on the issues surrounding fentanyl test strips and provide potential solutions for promoting awareness and safer drug use practices.

1. False Positives and Inconsistencies:

Fentanyl test strips can sometimes yield false positive results, indicating the presence of fentanyl when it may not be present. This can occur due to cross-reactivity with other substances commonly found in recreational drugs, such as methamphetamine, MDMA, and diphenhydramine. High concentrations of these substances can interfere with the accuracy of the test, leading to misleading results.

Source: Lockwood et al. (2021) – “High concentrations of illicit stimulants and cutting agents cause false positives on fentanyl test strips.”

2. Sample Size Requirements:

One challenge associated with fentanyl test strips is the need for a relatively large sample size to perform the test accurately. This requirement may not be practical in real-life situations, particularly in social settings like festivals or nightclubs, where individuals may have limited access to a sufficient amount of the substance for testing.

3. On-the-Go Testing Challenges:

Performing fentanyl tests on the go can be challenging and may result in errors. Factors such as inadequate lighting, distractions, or improper handling of the test strip can impact the reliability of the results. It is important to ensure proper testing conditions and techniques to obtain accurate readings.

Solutions and Recommendations:

1. Education and Awareness:

a. Promote educational campaigns to raise awareness about the limitations of fentanyl test strips, including their potential for false positives and the need for proper sample sizes.

b. Provide information on substances that can produce false positives to help users interpret test results accurately.

2. Comprehensive Drug Checking:

a. Encourage the use of multiple harm reduction strategies, including fentanyl test strips alongside other drug checking methods, such as spectrometry-based technologies or laboratory testing.

b. Advocate for the availability of comprehensive drug checking services at festivals, harm reduction organizations, and community centers.

3. Research and Development:

a. Support further research and development of more accurate and reliable fentanyl testing technologies that can overcome the limitations of current test strips.

b. Explore advancements in portable and user-friendly testing devices that can provide quick and accurate results with smaller sample sizes.

While fentanyl test strips can be valuable harm reduction tools, it is crucial to understand their limitations and potential inconsistencies. By promoting awareness, advocating for comprehensive drug checking, and supporting further research and development, we can work towards safer drug use practices and reduce the risks associated with fentanyl adulteration.

Sources for Further Reading:

  1. Lockwood, T. et al. (2021). High concentrations of illicit stimulants and cutting agents cause false positives on fentanyl test strips.
  2. DanceSafe – You May Be Using Fentanyl Test Strips Incorrectly.
  3. Guardian Recovery Network – Fentanyl Test Strips: What You Need to Know.
  4. DEA – “One Pill Can Kill: How Fentanyl Is Making Its Way Onto the Streets.
  5. California Department of Public Health – Fentanyl Test Strips Information.
PUBLIC SAFETY ALERT: Fentanyl Found In Recreational Drugs

CDPH Issues Recommendations for Drug Overdose Response: Naloxone Distribution, Prevention Education, and Equitable Treatment Access.

Entheology Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to entheogenic harm reduction, has issued a public safety alert regarding the increasing prevalence of fentanyl laced substances in the illicit drug market. If you do a bump, you should carry Naloxone Spray (Narcan).

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) issued a statement on drug overdose response, providing recommendations to various partner types. The recommendations include increasing the distribution of naloxone, promoting overdose prevention education, expanding equitable access to treatment for substance use disorders, and intervening early with individuals at the highest risk for overdose.

Fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, is being mixed with drugs without the knowledge of the user, posing a significant risk of overdose and death. The alert advises people who use drugs to utilize drug testing services, carry naloxone for overdose reversal, practice harm reduction strategies, and stay informed about local drug trends. Fentanyl-laced drugs pose a significant risk of overdose and death due to the high potency of fentanyl. Even a small amount of fentanyl can have lethal effects. It is crucial for individuals who use illicit drugs to be aware of this potential danger and take necessary precautions.

The statement emphasizes the importance of naloxone distribution, public awareness campaigns, prevention policies, and strategies, as well as promoting treatment and access to resources for substance use disorders. The CDPH aims to address the opioid crisis and reduce overdose-related deaths through these comprehensive approaches.

Here are some key recommendations to ensure safety:

1. Drug Testing: Entheology Project is in the process of manufacturing more reliable color-changing testing ampules that develop when UV light is added. The new technology can detect as low as 15 micrograms of fentanyl which means you don’t need much of a sample. Test strips are often inconsistent in results when it comes to powdery substances.

2. Naloxone Distribution: Naloxone is a life-saving medication used to reverse opioid overdoses, including fentanyl overdoses. It is crucial to carry naloxone at all times. In California, you can access free naloxone kits through various channels:

– Apply to the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to receive free naloxone kits. Visit the DHCS website for more information.
– Local organizations, such as harm reduction agencies and opioid or overdose safety coalitions, often have naloxone distribution programs. Contact these organizations to inquire about obtaining free naloxone. Entheology Project currently has a Naloxone Standing Order to begin freely distributing naloxone to the public by the end of July 2023.

3. Harm Reduction Strategies: Practice harm reduction techniques avoiding substances produced overseas, use reputable facilitators, use with a trusted partner who can assist with naloxone in case of an emergency, and seeking support from harm reduction organizations for education and resources.

4. Stay Informed: Stay updated on local drug trends and alerts from reputable sources. Being aware of the current situation regarding fentanyl contamination can help you make informed decisions about drug use.

Remember, the safest approach is to avoid using substances from unknown origins altogether. However, if you choose to use, prioritize your safety by following these guidelines and seeking support from harm reduction organizations and resources.

ALSO READ: Understanding the Limitations of Fentanyl Test Strips: Promoting Awareness and Solutions.

For more information and resources, visit Entheology Project’s website or email our team.

Sources :

Disclaimer: The Entheology Project does not endorse or promote illicit drug use. This alert is aimed at providing harm reduction information and raising awareness about the potential dangers of fentanyl-laced substances.

Ensuring Worker Health in the Mushroom Manufacturing Industry

A Closer Look at Industry Worker Safety


As the demand for psilocybin mushrooms escalates in both recreational and medicinal sectors, mushroom cultivation has emerged as a growing industry. A crucial aspect of this process is the pulverization of mushrooms, which, without the use of proper ventilation and protective gear, can pose severe health risks to workers. This article delves into the hazards related to inadequate ventilation and protective gear in mushroom cultivation and provides actionable recommendations for enhancing workplace safety.

Understanding the Dangers

Mushroom spores, widely recognized as common allergens, can trigger a spectrum of respiratory symptoms and conditions, including hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP), asthma, and chronic bronchitis. The long-term exposure to spores may precipitate chronic respiratory conditions, profoundly impacting workers’ quality of life. The pulverization process significantly contributes to the risk, producing considerable dust that contains mushroom spores and other particulates. When inhaled, this dust can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat and induce respiratory symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and breathlessness.

Strategies for Safe Practices

The key to curtailing exposure risks to mushroom spores and other particulate matter lies in implementing effective ventilation and protective gear in the workspace. Here are some best practices for a safe working environment:

  1. Ensuring Well-Ventilated Workspace: A well-ventilated workspace helps lower the airborne concentration of allergens and spores. An air filtration system can significantly aid in removing these hazardous particulates from the air.
  2. Providing Suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): PPE, comprising respiratory masks, gloves, and safety goggles, is instrumental in shielding workers from mushroom spores and other allergens.
  3. Utilizing Sealed Containers for Pulverizing: The containment of dust and spores during pulverization within sealed containers is an effective strategy for reducing exposure risks.
  4. Instituting Rigorous Clean-up Practices: Post-pulverization clean-up is crucial to eliminating any residual dust or spores. This should include wiping down surfaces with a damp cloth and using a HEPA filter vacuum to clean the area.
  5. Facilitating Regular Health Screenings: Regular health checks can facilitate early detection of respiratory conditions, preventing them from exacerbating.


Mushroom cultivation represents a burgeoning industry, but worker health and safety must not be compromised. While prolonged exposure to mushroom spores and other particulates can trigger significant respiratory conditions, the strategic implementation of proper ventilation and protective gear can mitigate these risks. By adhering to these safety recommendations, mushroom cultivators can foster a safe and sustainable industry while prioritizing their workers’ health.


  1. Tanaka, H., et al. (2001). Three-year follow-up study of allergy in workers in a mushroom factory. Respiratory Medicine, 95(12), 943-948.
  2. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. (2011). Health effects of occupational exposure to fungi. Retrieved from
  3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (n.d.). Safety and health topics: Fungi. Retrieved from
  5. Magic-Mushroom-Seekers-Guide-by-EP-v4 (Position: 1803)
Rethinking Alcohol Over Magic Mushrooms


America’s mental health crisis, marked by increasing rates of anxiety and depression, is exacerbated by chronic alcohol consumption, which is deeply ingrained in our culture. Alcohol abuse can heighten the risk of developing these mental health disorders, creating a vicious cycle of self-medication and addiction. On the other hand, recent research highlights the therapeutic potential of magic mushrooms, particularly their active compound psilocybin, in treating mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Psilocybin has demonstrated an ability to disrupt maladaptive thought patterns and promote lasting positive change. By challenging the normalization of chronic alcohol consumption and exploring more effective, evidence-based alternatives like magic mushrooms, we can work towards transforming our understanding of mental health treatment and addressing the growing mental health crisis.


America’s mental health crisis has reached alarming proportions, with anxiety and depression rates reaching unprecedented levels1. Chronic alcohol consumption, often seen as a remedy for anxiety or stress, has become increasingly prevalent in our society, with daily drinking becoming an accepted norm. Meanwhile, the potential benefits of entheogens, like magic mushrooms, remain largely untapped. This article will explore the dangers of chronic alcohol consumption and discuss how magic mushrooms can offer a healthier and more effective alternative for mental well-being.

The Dark Side of Alcohol

Many among the psychedelic community regard alcohol as the devil. Alcohol consumption has been sinisterly ingrained in American culture and media. While moderate social drinking is often seen as harmless, or even beneficial, chronic social alcohol use can have severe consequences for mental health. Studies have shown that alcohol abuse can lead to a higher risk of developing anxiety and depression2. Moreover, alcohol dependence can exacerbate existing mental health issues and create a vicious cycle of self-medication and addiction.

According to a recent podcast on What Alcohol Does To Your Body, Brain & Health by the Huberman Lab:

While most people imagine alcoholism as sitting alone in a room, drinking all day, the cycle of regular social alcohol consumption and dealing with its short-term and long-term consequences can negatively impact mental health in several ways:

  1. Immediate effects of alcohol: While alcohol may temporarily boost mood and increase sociability, its effects as a central nervous system depressant can also lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, or irritability as it wears off. This can contribute to a cycle of using alcohol to cope with negative emotions, potentially exacerbating mental health issues over time.
  2. Hangovers and physical consequences: Even occasional bouts of social drinking can result in hangovers, with symptoms like headache, nausea, fatigue, and dehydration. These physical symptoms can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and anxiety, which can have a negative impact on mental health.
  3. Impact on relationships: Social alcohol consumption may sometimes lead to interpersonal conflicts, poor decision-making, or damaged relationships. These negative experiences can contribute to feelings of loneliness, depression, and stress, which can negatively impact mental health.
  4. Sleep disruption: Alcohol consumption can interfere with the quality and duration of sleep, which is essential for overall mental health. Even occasional social drinking can result in sleep disturbances, leading to increased fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating, which can contribute to mental health challenges.
  5. Coping mechanisms: Regular social alcohol consumption may become a default coping mechanism for dealing with stress or negative emotions. This reliance on alcohol can make it more difficult to develop healthy, adaptive coping strategies, potentially exacerbating mental health issues in the long run.
  6. Potential long-term consequences: While occasional social drinking may not lead to severe physical health consequences, a pattern of regular alcohol consumption can still increase the risk of developing alcohol-related health issues over time. This can lead to increased stress and anxiety, further affecting mental well-being.
  7. Caloric content: Alcoholic beverages contain calories, primarily in the form of alcohol and, in some cases, added sugars or mixers. Regularly consuming these additional calories without adjusting other aspects of your diet or increasing physical activity can lead to weight gain over time.

The Potential of Magic Mushrooms

Recent research has uncovered the remarkable potential of magic mushrooms, specifically their active compound, psilocybin, in treating mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety3. Unlike alcohol, psilocybin has demonstrated an ability to disrupt maladaptive thought patterns and promote lasting positive change⁴.

Clinical trials have shown that a single dose of psilocybin, administered in a controlled therapeutic setting, can significantly reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety in patients with life-threatening illnesses⁵. Furthermore, these benefits can persist for months after the initial treatment⁶.

Replacing Alcohol with Magic Mushrooms

While magic mushrooms are not a one-size-fits-all solution, they offer a promising alternative to the destructive cycle of alcohol dependence and self-medication. By disrupting harmful patterns of thought and behavior, psilocybin can help individuals break free from the grip of alcohol and embrace a healthier, more balanced approach to managing anxiety and stress.

As America grapples with a mounting mental health crisis, it’s crucial to challenge the normalization of chronic alcohol consumption and explore more effective, evidence-based alternatives. Magic mushrooms, backed by a growing body of research, hold the potential to transform our understanding of mental health treatment and offer a promising path forward.


  1. Twenge, J. M., Cooper, A. B., Joiner, T. E., Duffy, M. E., & Binau, S. G. (2019). Age, period, and cohort trends in mood disorder indicators and suicide-related outcomes in a nationally representative dataset, 2005–2017. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 128(3), 185-199.
  2. Boschloo, L., Vogelzangs, N., Smit, J. H., van den Brink, W., Veltman, D. J., Beekman, A. T., & Penninx, B. W. (2011). Comorbidity and risk indicators for alcohol use disorders among persons with anxiety and/or depressive disorders: Findings from the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety (NESDA). Journal of Affective Disorders, 131(1-3), 233-242.
  3. Carhart-Harris, R. L., & Goodwin, G. M. (2017). The therapeutic potential of psychedelic drugs: past, present, and future. Neuropsychopharmacology, 42(11), 2105-2113.
Uncovering the Hidden Dangers of Underground Mushroom Chocolate Manufacturing

In recent years, the underground market for mushroom-infused chocolates has experienced significant growth. These psychedelic edibles, often made with Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms, are sought after for their hallucinogenic effects. However, the unregulated nature of this market raises serious health concerns due to the potential for contamination with spores, cat hair, heavy metals, and other pathogens. In this article, we will discuss the risks associated with underground mushroom chocolate manufacturing and provide solutions for those looking for safer alternatives.

Health Concerns in Underground Manufacturing

  1. Infusing Spores

When mushrooms are pulverized for infusion into chocolate, there’s a risk of introducing spores into the final product. Consuming these spores can potentially cause health problems, such as gastrointestinal issues or allergic reactions, especially in individuals with compromised immune systems.

  1. Contamination with Cat Hair and Other Allergens

The lack of proper hygiene and quality control measures in underground manufacturing facilities can lead to the contamination of mushroom chocolates with allergens, such as cat hair. People with allergies or sensitivities to these contaminants may experience adverse reactions, ranging from mild to severe.

  1. Presence of Heavy Metals and Pathogens

Underground mushroom chocolate manufacturers may use mushrooms grown in contaminated environments, resulting in products with high levels of heavy metals or other toxins. Ingesting these substances can cause serious health issues, such as neurological damage or organ failure. Moreover, improper handling and processing techniques can introduce harmful pathogens, like bacteria or mold, posing further health risks to consumers.

Solutions for Quality Edibles

  1. Legalization and Regulation

One potential solution for ensuring the safety and quality of psychedelic edibles is through the legalization and regulation of psychedelic substances. This would allow governments to enforce strict production and safety standards, reducing the risk of contamination and ensuring the well-being of consumers.

  1. Consumer Education and Awareness

Raising public awareness about the risks associated with underground mushroom chocolate manufacturing is essential. Consumers should be informed about the potential dangers and encouraged to seek out safer alternatives.

  1. Third-Party Testing

For those living in regions where the consumption of psychedelic mushrooms is legal, purchasing products that have undergone third-party testing for contaminants and potency can provide a safer alternative. This ensures that the edibles meet safety and quality standards, reducing the risk of exposure to harmful substances.


The underground manufacturing of mushroom chocolates poses serious health risks to consumers due to the potential presence of spores, allergens, heavy metals, and pathogens. Legalization, regulation, consumer education, and third-party testing can help mitigate these risks and ensure the availability of safer, quality psychedelic edibles.


  1. Johnson, M. W., Griffiths, R. R., Hendricks, P. S., & Henningfield, J. E. (2018). The abuse potential of medical psilocybin according to the 8 factors of the Controlled Substances Act. Neuropharmacology, 142, 143-166.
  2. Carhart-Harris, R. L., & Goodwin, G. M. (2017). The therapeutic potential of psychedelic drugs: past, present, and future. Neuropsychopharmacology, 42(11), 2105-2113.
  3. Krebs, T. S., & Johansen, P. Ø. (2013). Psychedelics and mental health: a population study. PloS one, 8

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