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We sincerely appreciate your generous donation to Entheology Project Inc. As a 508(c)(1)(a) non-profit religious organization, your donation is tax deductible. You will receive an email confirmation for your records, which can be used for tax purposes. Your support helps us continue our mission and make a meaningful impact!

Billing Information

Your credit card will be billed under "Entheology Project Inc." with the description "Donation." If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you once again for your support!

Best Regards,
EP Support

Looks like there was a problem processing donation.

Email Template to user on Registry Rejection

By Saqib Kamran



Dear [first_name],

Unfortunately, we were unable to approve your application to join our Entheogenic community.

This is typically because the application was submitted by a Seeker (nonprofessional), or is missing information.

Please email if you feel there has been an error.

EP Support 2021 Fillmore St PMB 2208 San Francisco, CA 94115
Main: +1 415-390-6250


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