eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbmNyeXB0ZWQiOiJleUpoYkdjaU9pSklVekkxTmlJc0luUjVjQ0k2SWtwWFZDSjkuZXlKcFpDSTZNak1zSW1WdFlXbHNJam9pY21WMlFHVnVkR2hsYnk1cGJtWnZJaXdpYVdGMElqb3hOekF5TXpjek5UUXdMQ0psZUhBaU9qTTNNakF4TURjd09EQjkuTEZ2M0JIbkhRLVBnTFFMdTJvcjNqdE91TlVHZC1peHp1LXlLN2Fodzc1dyIsImlhdCI6MTcwMjM3MzU0MCwiZXhwIjozNzIwMTA3MDgwfQ.0zJrErIRDbnQMn8pBNqFhzkGRNYpMwF9h5lwzn5BXdA Magic Myc https://mushgptawsbucket.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/assets/static/mushGpt/mushGpt-chat-bot.png

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$50 $100 $150

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Meeting Minutes 3/29/2022

By Rev


Topic: Entheology Kickoff
Start Time: Mar 29, 2022 05:52 PM

Meeting Recording

Access Passcode: 1WM*a.EH

-Rev’s Story- worked in teh for years until he started microdosing — just for partying purposes. Had a really hard time integrating and took 4 years to process his experienceds mushrooms brought him to confections including making chocolates. Due to the netgative experiences with secure commerce, banks not accepting money, quality control, safe distribution, we have come up with a solution for all of these problems on the back ends of the psychedelic industry. (SEE TABLES)

-we built a website: entheologyold.wpengine.com ; yelp or resource on entheogens (ie entheologist advisors or consultant); video sessions


-give credence to the name and the mission of this organization

-Keep the supply chain secure and separate from the entheologists and done through the church as a way to secure commerce

-organization brings in the consumers through referrals; seekers are desperately looking for help and not finding people with experience and knowledge]

-Integration Required on all medicine and medicine product


-What is an Entheologist?

-Entheologic not accessible to layperson or google search

-Name decided: The Entheology Project

-Patrick brought up a CSA (Community Squared Agriculture) model

-Legal Defense Fund

-Protection has people taking advantage of system? Problems with equity?

-Yelp plus talkspace marketplace


-integrators physical, legal, and financial security in mind.

-domain custody taken care of

-Katelin: How are we vetting people?

-it will be open to the public. Community Manager will be responsible for onlining and vetting

-Directory- Chaia


About Rev

“Rev” Hooman (Rev as in revelation) is the Founder of Entheology Project, a 508(c)(1)(a) Non-Profit Entheogenic Support Organization. We wrote MushGPT, a free entheogenic AI chatbot that raises entheo Seeker awareness. Please check out our projects and let us know how we can facilitate you! https://linktr.ee/therevhooman. 🍄❤️✌️

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