eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbmNyeXB0ZWQiOiJleUpoYkdjaU9pSklVekkxTmlJc0luUjVjQ0k2SWtwWFZDSjkuZXlKcFpDSTZNak1zSW1WdFlXbHNJam9pY21WMlFHVnVkR2hsYnk1cGJtWnZJaXdpYVdGMElqb3hOekF5TXpjek5UUXdMQ0psZUhBaU9qTTNNakF4TURjd09EQjkuTEZ2M0JIbkhRLVBnTFFMdTJvcjNqdE91TlVHZC1peHp1LXlLN2Fodzc1dyIsImlhdCI6MTcwMjM3MzU0MCwiZXhwIjozNzIwMTA3MDgwfQ.0zJrErIRDbnQMn8pBNqFhzkGRNYpMwF9h5lwzn5BXdA Magic Myc https://mushgptawsbucket.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/assets/static/mushGpt/mushGpt-chat-bot.png

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    Coming Soon!

    Nation-wide lab testing network

    Anonymously test your entheogens by facilitator friendly testing labs or purchase your own kits from our site at a fraction of the price!

    MushGPT App

    Ask it anything about entheogens, neuroscience, microdosing, macrodosing or healing modalities. TryMushGPT!

    Personal chatbot

    Coming soon! Get your own custom AI chatbot embedded on your website powered by MushGPT! Sets appointments and even does Seeker intake! Register for a free account now!

    Seeker support products

    Explore quality, member-made products for journey enhancement and post-journey integration. Check out our Shop for more details! https://entheo.info/shop

    By joining our facilitators’ network , you’ll access technology solutions, the latest news, and trends, as well as a supportive community that’s dedicated to maximizing the benefits of an Entheogenic journey.

    The latest research

    We are always scouring the latest scientific research journals so save you time at https://entheo.info/articles/ We’ve also built an article bot that gathers all the latest industry news and puts it into one place at Magic Mushroom Times!

    Got questions?

    Support Us

    Your generous support helps the Entheology Project continue our work in the research of plant medicines.

    As a non-profit organization, we rely on the generosity of individuals like you to support our mission to unify and steward communal ancestral and modern datasets, and to innovate and create supportive technologies for seekers, researchers, and facilitators in this transformative space

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    PUBLIC SAFETY ALERT: Fentanyl Found In Recreational Drugs
